JediMUD Wiki

Circle 3.0 Credits[]

This credit page was written by Jeremy Elson at the release of Circle 3.0, and was provided to the public at the site. As you might surmise from the extensive list of acknowledgements, JediMUD owes a great deal to Elson and a passionate group of young college students for the design, overhaul and implementation of what could be termed the first MMORPG.

CircleMUD was developed from DikuMUD (Gamma 0.0) by Jeremy "Ras" Elson at Johns Hopkins University's Department of Computer Science. All code unique to CircleMUD is protected under a copyright by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University. Many, many people contributed to CircleMUD in one way or another throughout the course of its development. Although it's impossible for me to remember them all, I'd like to extend special thanks to certain people:* Jeff Fink and George Greer, for submitting a veritable mountain of excellent code.

  • Chris Epler and Chris Herringshaw for extensive beta-testing and bug reporting.
  • Furry (Alex Fletcher), for single-handedly managing Circle's world files.
  • Fred Merkel, Ryan Watkins, Jay Levino, and Sharon Goza, for other code and area submissions.
  • Jean-Jack Riethoven for porting the code to the Amiga, David Carver for porting it to OS/2, and Jack Patton and Steffen Haeuser for the Amiga port.
  • Bill Bogstad and Tim Stearns for allowing Circle to exist at JHU.
  • The DikuMUD folk, and the good old WhatMUD implementors Dave & Justin, for starting the ball rolling.
  • Bryan Jolson, Steven Lacher, Cat Stanton, and Naved Surve, for being there in the very early days of Circle's development.
  • Sharon, Ben, Erica, Aly, and Josh, for keeping me sane.
  • Jules (hamotek sheli) for being the greatest

... plus everyone else in the Circle community who has submitted material! Thanks everyone!

DikuMUD Credits[]

The following pioneers in computer science ushered in a new age in multi-player gaming experience. From a simple concept, to a complex implementation, these designers changed the way we view entertainment today.

Katja Nyboe Superwoman (

Tom Madsen Stormbringer (
Hans Henrik Staerfeldt God (
Michael Seifert Papi (

Sebastian Hammer Quinn (
