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Area Designer[]



To dirt road:  6s2e2s2e3s3wnwn2wu (from Midgaard Temple) To crossroads: 7n 

Reset Timer:[]

35 minutes (occupied)


King Arthur's kingdom lies just north of the western-most reaches of the Devahn River. Explorers report that most of the subjects of Arthur are benevolent and of an easy spirit. Mid-level+ players have found that certain sinister forces have made the side roads, waters, and forests of this beautiful kingdom very dangerous to travel. A well seasoned traveler would be wise to treat a foray into this area with a bit of is difficult to know what lurks in the darkness...and the road home is a long one, paved with blood.

Mobs of Note[]

Black Knight - (black knight visor), Black Mage - (prismatic jewel ), blue mage - (blue boots), Green Knight - (giant head shield, green club), Invisible Knight - (invisible cape, steel long sword), Jaculi - (Emerald Stone), King Evelake - (Holy Grail , Spear of David), red knight - (red belt), Sir Marhaus - (charred hilt) , white knight - (white gloves), Guinevere - (Golden Cross), King Arthur - (crown of divinity, Excalibur), Merlin - (Merlin's mage bracers , Excalibur), Mordred - (golden mask, Fireblade of Mars), Morgan Le Fay - (triple-bladed dagger), Mystic Dragon - (mystic robes ), Sir Galahad - (Shield of Galahad), Delroon.

General Zone Strategies[]

1. Mystic River

The Mystic River connects Midgaard to the Forests of Camelot, but there is a rather frightening set of rapids that will take you to SPLASH!, a faux DT, a room to make your heart race.

2. Swamp of Sadness

The Swamp is one of the first mini-areas you will pass (right) on the dirt road after leaving the Devahn River. Delroon (a giant turtle) is the only mob of note in this zone.

3. Dark Forest

The Dark Forest can be found at the first left on the dirt road.  You will find a mob called "The Arm", which is the Lady of the Lake's hand and arm, giver of Excalibur to Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon.  In his lab, you'll find the Dryad Mage, who loads a couple of potions, the blue potion being of some use.

4. Cave of the Green Giant

Next up is the cave system of the Green Giant and Mystic Dragon (dragon's breath).  Merlin's handwriting is everywhere, as we see indications of his magic by the presence of his minions, the grumps.  The Green Knight (Sir Gawain's challenger) who is beheaded by Gawain in Arthurian legend is here, holding his head in his hands, two rooms above the Mystic Dragon (aggessive). There is a secret door east (open rock) that exits back to the Devahn River and the beginning of the zone.

5. Top of the Hill

This east spur leads to a locked keyless !pick Tree and a southern path. Inside the Boulder leads to the Pit of Despair and a secret occult room with a coven of robed skeleton worshippers arrayed about an altar and a treasure box. After returning to the surface, you'll end up Inside the Tree, a keyless, !pick exit west and a down route to the Underworld. (see below) No equipment drop here as far as I can tell.

6. In the Lake

Accessible via room "In a bubble," find your way to the realm of the water nymphs, dryads, ellewals and water faeries.  At the far west end of this sub-area is the Underworld, featuring dirt dwarves.

7. Underworld Entrance

Realm of the Dirt Dwarves, this tiny sub-area in accessible from Inside the Tree and hooks up with the Lake mini-zone at the east end.

8. Calidone Forest

The forest maze contains both the mage and combat fields, good for low-mid level experience, some SAC equipment, and the invisible cape wand.  A rare constructible part loads on Sir Marhaus.

9. Castle Carteloise

Rare loads include the Cup of Christ (Holy Grail) and the Spear of David, both are !rent (non-rentable) items.

10. Camelot

This is the main area of the zone.  Watch for the aggressive grumps in Merlin's Hangout, up from Merlin's Laboratory. Morgan Le Fay and her son Mordred are hidden upstairs in the Castle: be on the lookout for them. The Invisible Knight is a hidden mob prowling about Calidone Forest. The combat fields, Sir Marhaus' Tent and King Arthur's Round Table and Throne Room are !magic rooms.  The area has some funny details, including the La-Z-Boy Recliner in Merlin's Hangout.  Look around and enjoy!




Cape of Invisibility about invisible knight mL 0 !rests 5 ac 20 x invisible
mystic robes body mystic dragon 26 mL 15 m! 18 ac 1 dam 25 mana
Holy Grail canteen King Evelake 5.0% mL 0 !rests
steel longsword canteen King Evelake mL 0 !mc 3D4 7.5 avg
charred hilt fashioned from fine white gold component Sir Marhaus mL 0 !rests !rent
apple, green food dryad mL 0 !rests
blue boots foot blue mage 10 mL 0 !rests 4 ac 20 mov -10 mana
gloves, white hand White Knight 1 mL 0 !rests 1 hit
visor, black knight's head The Black Knight 3 mL 0 !mtnb 12 ac 1 str 2 con
Crown of Divinity head King Arthur 1 mL 0 !rests 3 ac 1 con
mask, golden head Mordred -1 mL 0 !rests 3 ac 1 acM -1 int
cross, golden hold Guinevere 25.0% -3 mL 0 !rests -3 hit pfe x 3
emerald stone hold jaculi 15 mL 10 !rests 3 ac 15 hp
gate key key Castle Guard mL 0 !rests to gate
prismatic jewel light black mage 1 mL 13 !twnr 5% hpR 8% mnR
fireball light spirit of depression mL 0 !rests 1 hit -1 dam
blue potion dryad mage mL 0 !rests cure critic x 2

cure serious x 2

pink potion dryad mage mL 0 !rests poison


shield, galahad shield Sir Galahad 8 mL 0 !e 7 ac -2 hit 10 hp
shield, giant head shield green knight mL 0 !mb 8 ac -6 acM ench!
scabbard, ornately worked waist Sir Lancelot 5 mL 0 !mc !e 3 ac 5 hp
belt, red waist red knight mL 0 !rests 3 ac -6 acM -3 ss
black wand Mordred -3 mL 0 !rests -3 hit cure serious x 4
Spear of David wand King Evelake 5.0% -5 mL 0 !mtn -5 hit clone x 7 !rent
club, green weapon green knight mL 0 !m 2D5 6.0 avg
longsword, steel weapon Invisible Knight

White Knights

Knights of the Round Table


Castle Guards

King Evelake

mL 0 !mc 3D4 7.5 avg
sword, Excalibur weapon Merlin 2 mL 0 !mctpanjrb g! 4D4 10.0 avg 2 hit
sword, Excalibur weapon King Arthur -2 mL 15 !mc 5D2 7.5 avg -2 str -2 ss
sword, fireblade of mars weapon Mordred mL 0 !mc !g 3D4 7.5 avg
dagger weapon


grump mL 0 !c 1D4 2.5 avg !donate
dagger, triple-bladed weapon


Morgan Le Fay 4 mL 0 tn! !g 2D8 9.0 avg 2 hit 2 dam
merlin's mage bracers wrist Merlin 50.0% 20 mL 0 m! !e 5 ac 20 mana

