JediMUD Wiki

Between 1996 and 1997, JediMUD abandoned the original "tick"-based player and npc hp/mana/move regeneration methodology in favor of "heartbeat"-based regen.  

Currently, a player has a random chance of re-gaining a small amount of resources (hp, mana, moves) on any heartbeat. If you're sleeping you have a 100% chance of gaining your min regen per heart beat. Resting 50%, sitting 33%, standing 25% and fighting 20%.

If you occupy a Focal Point room, you receive an additional 100% bonus to the amount of hit points, mana, and moves you gain per heartbeat. These rooms basically double your gains per heartbeat.

(see code snippet below).

A "tick" is a unit of time on a mud, linked to real-time.  At JediMUD, a tick is 75 seconds. A "heartbeat" is approximately one second in real-time.

   ((GET_POS(i) == POSITION_RESTING) && (number(1,2) == 1)) || 
   ((GET_POS(i) == POSITION_SITTING) && (number(1,3) == 1)) ||
   ((GET_POS(i) == POSITION_STANDING) && (number(1,4) == 1)) || 
   ((GET_POS(i) == POSITION_FIGHTING) && (number(1,5) == 1)) )
{ for (y = 0; y < number(6,9); y++)

          GET_HIT(i) += hmv_gain(i, HIT);

for (y = 0; y < number(4,6); y++)

          GET_MANA(i) += hmv_gain(i, MANA);

for (y = 0; y < number(4,6); y++)

          GET_MOVE(i) += hmv_gain(i, MOVE);